1. IRENA Conference
The centre took in International Renewable Energy conference in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The tenth session of the Assembly brought together Heads of State and Government, Ministers, Member delegations as well as heads of international and regional organisations, public and private entities and civil society representatives to contribute to the energy transformation dialogue.
2. May - June 2019
In May and June 2019, a member of the Centre benefited from a seminar organized by Biogas Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture on Biogas Promotion and Management for Developing Countries in which we are thankful to the Ministry. It is amazing to know how the biogas technology has been used in China to address sanitation and improve agriculture.
3. Seminars
The centre has organized a number of research seminars for faculty and students including:
- Seminar presented by Dr. Niebert Blair from University of Canterbury, New Zealand on Sustainable Energy for Traditional Economies, the CARES design process.
- Seminar on Transition Energy by Dr. Susan Krumdieck, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Seminar on Risks Analysis and Management about Environment-to-Energy by Prof Kondo H. Adjallah
- Seminar by Prof Robert Andoh on Product Development, Commercialization & Intellectual Property Rights