ericofosuantwi@gmail.com eric.ofosu@uenr.edu.gh
Brief Profile
Prof. Eric Ofosu Antwi has held the position of Director for the Regional Center for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (RCEES) since October 2019. As the Director of RCEES, a World Bank-funded project under the African Centres of Excellence for Development Impact (ACE Impact), he facilitated the construction of an ultramodern Centre of Excellence at UENR. The RCEES has attracted students from 13 African countries to the University and has also assisted the University in achieving international accreditation for their MSc and PhD programs, marking a significant milestone for the university. Recently, he was honored by the World Bank for his outstanding leadership, which has propelled RCEES to be among the top 10 performing Centres of Excellence in the ACE IMPACT Project, out of a total of 46 Centres of Excellence.
Prof. Ofosu Antwi is a Civil Engineer with over 20 years of post-qualification experience and holds the position of Associate Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR). As the first Academic Staff member appointed at UENR, he served as the Foundation Head of the Energy and Environmental Engineering Department. He also played a key role in introducing crucial programs such as BSc Electrical Engineering, BSc Mechanical Engineering, MSc/PhD Sustainable Energy Management, and MSc/PhD Environmental Engineering Management at UENR. Through his projects, he successfully raised funds to initiate the first Postgraduate Programs at UENR. Additionally, he served as the Acting Director of Works during the university’s inception, contributing to the development of major infrastructure currently in use.
Prof. Ofosu Antwi presently sits on the University Council as a representative of the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), having been elected by his fellow Professors and Lecturers.
He currently holds the position of Regional Coordinator for the West Africa Centres of Excellence in Energy (WACEENET), a multinational network of Centres of Excellence in the thematic area of Energy. Furthermore, he serves as the Secretary to the Tripartite Committee Board for Energy Certification in West Africa, formed by the ECOWAS Commission. From 2014 to 2018, Prof. Ofosu Antwi served as the Board Chairman of the Brong Ahafo Waste Company Ltd, a subsidiary of the JOSPONG Group of Companies, and as the Regional Chairman of the Ghana Institution of Engineering for the Brong Ahafo Region from 2015 to 2020.
Prof. Ofosu Antwi consults for multinational companies and developmental organizations, including the World Bank and the Africa Development Bank, on assignments related to Energy and Water Resources Management. Together with his team members, he has secured major projects for the University, raising over 13 million US$ in grants and consultancy services. His professional expertise spans Project Management, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Energy Management, Solar PV, Water Supply Engineering, Water Resources Management, Hydropower Engineering, Drainage, Structural, and Irrigation Engineering in Ghana and the ECOWAS Region.
Prof. Eric Ofosu is a visiting Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of KNUST, The Abdou Moumouni University in Niamey, Niger, and Chandigarh University in India. He has authored over 60 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and books, covering areas such as Water Resources Management, Water-Food-Energy Nexus, Land use Changes, Hydropower, Energy Policy, Energy Management, Irrigation, and Drainage.
Courses Taught at the Undergraduate Level
- Engineering Graphics
- Hydrology and Hydraulics
- Hydropower Engineering
- Water Engineering, Hydrogeology
- Geo-Environmental Engineering
- Research Methods
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Hydrology
- Computer Programming and Information Technology
Courses Taught at the Graduate Level
- EEMA 512: Project Management,Enterpreneurship and Ethics
- EEMA 514: Water Resources Engineering and Management
Institution (Start – End dates) | Degree(s)/Diploma(s) /Certificates obtained |
UNESCO-IHE and TU-Delft, the Netherlands 2006-2011 | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) |
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology 2003 – 2005 | Master of Philosophy (MPhil) |
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology 1998 – 2002 | Bachelor of Science (BSc) Honors |
Pope John Secondary School and Junior Seminary, Koforidua 1994-1996 | Senior Secondary School |
RCEES is a renowned Africa centre of excellence for advanced studies in energy and environmental sustainability. RCEES convenes the world’s most promising and dedicated scholars, providing a unique learning and research environment. RCEES offers a range of advanced degree programs and opportunities for research in this field, attracting top students and faculty from around the globe.
Professional Certificates
- Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification
- Microsoft Office Project 201 Certificate
- ITIL Certificate course
- Proposal Writing Certificate Course
- Six Sigma Yellow Belt
- Change Management Certification
- Ochiegbu, C. V., Gyamfi, S., & Ofosu, E. (2022). Modeling, Simulation and Design of Hydro-Solar Isolated Micro-grid without a Battery Storage System: A Case Study for Aba Business Cluster, Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 70(2), 125-136.
- Ajiboye, O. K., Ofosu, E. A., Gyamfi, S., & Oki, O. (2023). Hybrid Renewable Energy System Optimization via Slime Mould Algorithm. J. Eng. Trends Technol, 6, 83-95.
- Ajiboye, O. K., Ochiegbu, C. V., Ofosu, E. A., & Gyamfi, S. (2023). A review of hybrid renewable energies optimisation: Design, methodologies, and criteria. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 42(1), 648-684.
- Agyemang-Boakye, B., Ofosu, E. A., Domfeh, M. K., Dekongmen, B. W., Koduah, R. T., Bakuri, R. W., & Kpiebaya, P. (2024). Potential for small hydropower development on the Pumpum River of Ghana using Remote Sensing and Soil Water Assessment Tool. Green Technologies and Sustainability, 2(1), 100063.
- Saka, D., Adu-Gyamfi, J., Skrzypek, G., Antwi, E. O., Heng, L., & Torres-Martínez, J. A. (2023). Disentangling nitrate pollution sources and apportionment in a tropical agricultural ecosystem using a multi-stable isotope model. Environmental Pollution, 328, 121589.
- Obahoundje, S., Diedhiou, A., Dubus, L., Alamou, E. A., Amoussou, E., Akpoti, K., & Ofosu, E. A. (2022). Modeling climate change impact on inflow and hydropower generation of Nangbeto dam in West Africa using multi-model CORDEX ensemble and ensemble machine learning. Applied Energy, 325, 119795.
- Aboagye, B., Gyamfi, S., Ofosu, E. A., & Djordjevic, S. (2022). Characterisation of degradation of photovoltaic (PV) module technologies in different climatic zones in Ghana. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52, 102034.
- Mensah, J. K., Ofosu, E. A., Akpoti, K., Kabo-Bah, A. T., Okyereh, S. A., & Yidana, S. M. (2022). Modeling current and future groundwater demands in the White Volta River Basin of Ghana under climate change and socio-economic scenarios. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 41, 101117.
- Sarkodie, W. O., Ofosu, E. A., & Ampimah, B. C. (2022). Decision optimization techniques for evaluating renewable energy resources for power generation in Ghana: MCDM approach. Energy Reports, 8, 13504-13513.
- Gbedzi, D. D., Ofosu, E. A., Mortey, E. M., Obiri-Yeboah, A., Nyantakyi, E. K., Siabi, E. K., … & Amankwah-Minkah, A. (2022). Impact of mining on land use land cover change and water quality in the Asutifi North District of Ghana, West Africa. Environmental Challenges, 6, 100441.
- Asomaning, J., Antwi, E. O., Laar, C., & Saka, D. (2023). Statistical and isotopic analysis of sources and evolution of groundwater. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 129, 103337.
- Ofosu‐Peasah, G., Antwi, E. O., Blyth, W., & Sarquah, K. (2022). The impact of climate action on energy security in West Africa: Evidence from Burkina Faso, Ghana and Nigeria. OPEC Energy Review.
- Ochiegbu, C. V., Gyamfi, S., & Ofosu, E. Modeling, Simulation and Design of Hydro-Solar Isolated Micro-grid without a Battery Storage System: A Case Study for Aba Business Cluster, Nigeria.
- Lahai, U. M., Ofosu, E. A., Gyamfi, S., Diawuo, F. A., & Kallon, H. A. P. (2022). Technical Considerations for the Design and Selection of Improved Cookstoves: A Review.
- Mensah, J. K., Ofosu, E. A., Yidana, S. M., Akpoti, K., & Kabo-bah, A. T. (2022). Integrated modeling of hydrological processes and groundwater recharge based on land use land cover, and climate changes: A systematic review. Environmental Advances, 100224.
- Aboagye, B., Gyamfi, S., Ofosu, E. A., & Djordjevic, S. (2021). Degradation analysis of installed solar photovoltaic (PV) modules under outdoor conditions in Ghana. Energy Reports, 7, 6921-6931. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.10.046
- Aboagye B., Gyamfi S., Ofosu E. A., Djordjevic S. (2022). Characterisation of degradation of photovoltaic (PV) module technologies in different climatic zones in Ghana. Sustainable Energy Technologies and assessments 52 (2022) 102034. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2022.102034
- Gbedzi D. D., Ofosu E. A., Mortey E. M., Obiri-Yeboah A., Nyanatkyi E. K., Siabi E. K., Abdallah F., Domfeh K. M. and Amankwah-Minka A. (2022). Impact of mining on land use land cover change and water quality in the Asutifi North District of Ghana, West Africa. Environmental Challenges 6 (2022) 100441. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2022.100441
- Yeboah K. A., Akpoti K., Kabo-bah A. T., Ofosu E. A., Siabi E. K.,
Mortey E. M., Okyereh S. A. (2022). Assessing climate change projections in the Volta Basin using the CORDEX-Africa climate simulations and statistical bias-correction. Environmental Challenges 6 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2021.100439 - Ofosu-Peasah G., Ofosu E. A., Blyth W. (2021). Factors Characterising Energy Security in West Africa: An integrative Review of the Literature. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 148 (2021) 111259 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.111259
- Jianguo D., Chang G., Adu D., Darko R., Khan M. A. S., Antwi E. O. (2021). Numerical Simulation and Computational Flow Characterization
Analyses of Centrifugal Pump Operating as Turbine. Wiley Hindawi Complexity Volume 2021, Article ID 9695452. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9695452 - Dekongmen B. W., Kabo‑bah A. T., Domfeh M. K., Sunkari E. D., Dile Y. T., Antwi E. O., Gyimah R. A. A. (2021). Flood vulnerability assessment in the Accra Metropolis, southeastern Ghana. Applied Water Science (2021) 11:134
https://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-021-01463-9 - Aboagye B., Gyamfi S., Antwi E. O., Djordjevic S. (2021). Status of renewable energy resources for electricity supply in Ghana. Scientific African Volume 11 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2020.e00660.
- Atta-Darkwa T., Ofosu E., Amankwah E., Ankamah J., Akolgo G., Asare A., Antwi A. (2020). Comparison and Estimation of Four Infiltration Models. Open Journal of Soil Science. 10. 45-57. https://doi.org/10.4236/ojss.2020.102003.
- Domfeh M. K., Gyamfi S., Amo-Boateng M., Andoh R., Antwi E. O., Tabor G. (2020). Numerical Simulation of an Air-Core Vortex and its
Suppression at an Intake Using OpenFOAM Fluids (2020), 5, 221; doi:10.3390/fluids5040221. - Domfeh M. K., Gyamfi S., Amo-Boateng M., Andoh R., Antwi E. O., Tabor G. (2020). Numerical simulation of an air-core vortex at a hydraulic intake using OpenFOAM. Scientific African Volume 8 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2020.e00389.
- Oti J. O., Kabo-bah A. T., Ofosu E. (2020). Hydrologic Response to Climate Change in the Densu River Basin in Ghana. Heliyon Volume 6 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04722
- Domfeh M. K., Gyamfi S., Amo-Boateng M., Andoh R., Antwi E. O., Tabor G. (2020). Free surface vortices at hydropower intakes: – A state-of-the-art review. Scientific African Volume 8, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2020.e00355.
- Asamoah, Michael & Kabo-bah, Amos Tiereyangn & Ofosu, Eric. (2020). Spatial and Socio-Economic Impacts Analysis of BUI Hydropower Dam on Downstream Communities. 10.1007/978-3-030-13697-0_23.
- N. A. Asare, F. A. Kuranchie, and E. Ofosu (2019). Evaluation of incorporating plastic wastes into asphalt materials for road construction in Ghana. Cogent Environmental Science (2019), 5: 1576373. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331 843.2019.1576373
- Asare P. N. A., Kuranchie F. A., Ofosu E. (2019). Evaluation of incorporating plastic wastes into asphalt materials for road construction in Ghana. Cogent Environmental Science (2019), 5: 1576373. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331 843.2019.1576373
- Gyasi S. F., Boateng A. A., Awuah E., Antwi E. O. (2019). Elucidating the incidence and the prevalence of Schistosomiasis infection in riparian communities of the Bui dam. Journal of Parasitic Diseases. doi/10.1007/s12639-019-01089-4.
- Okyereh S. A., Ofosu E. A., Kabobah A.T. (2019). Modeling the Impact of Bui Dam Operations on Downstream Competing Water Uses. Water-Energy Nexus (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wen.2019.03.001
- Obahoundje S., Diedhiou A., Ofosu E. A., Anqueti S., François B., Adounkpe J., Amoussou E., Kouame Y. M., Kouassi K. L., Bi V. H. N., Ta M. Y. (2018). Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover over South-Western African Basins and Their Relations with Variations of Discharges. Hydrology (2018,5,56), doi:10.3390 /hydrology5040056
- Zhanga J., Adu D., Fanga Y., Appiah D., Antwi E. O. (2018). Review on China’s renewable energy and future projections. International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy (2018). doi: 10.12720/sgce.7.3.218-224
- Mortey M. E., Ofosu E. A., Kolodko D. V., Kabo-bah A. T. (2017). Sustainability Assessment of the Bui Hydropower System. Environments 2017, 4(25). doi:10.3390/environments4020025
- Iddrisu, W. A., Nokoe, K. S., Luguterah, A., Ofosu, E. A. (2017). Spatio-Temporal Relationship between River Flows and Gauge Heights in the Black Volta River. Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
- Obahoundje S., & Ofosu, E., Akpoti K., Kabo-bah, A. T. (2017). Land Use and Land Cover Changes under Climate Uncertainty: Modelling the Impacts on Hydropower Production in Western Africa. Hydrology. 4. doi:10.3390/hydrology5040056.
- Appiah-Effah E., Nyarko K. B., Awuah E., Afful K. M., Ofosu E. A. (2017). Performance of Rotary Drum Composter on the Die off of Ascaris and Trichuris during fecal sludge composting. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2017,
- Iddrisu W. A., Nokoe K. S., Luguterah A., Ofosu E. A. (2017). Generalized Additive Mixed Modeling of River Discharge in the Black Volta River. Open Journal of Statistics. https://doi.org/10.4236/ojs.2017.74043
- Iddrisu, W.A., Nokoe, K.S., Osei, F.B., Ofosu, E.A. (2016). Spatial Bayesian methods of Flow Forecasting in the Black Volta River. European Journal of Scientific Research. Vol. 137, No. 1, pp. 89- 105
- Akpoti K., Ofosu E. A. and Kabo-bah A. T. (2016). Impacts of Rainfall Variability, Land Use and Land Cover Change on Stream Flow of the Black Volta Basin, West Africa. Hydrology 2016, 3(3), 26
- Afful K., Oduro-Kwarteng S., Ofosu E. A. and Awuah E, (2016). Odour Impact Determination of a Communal Toilet: Field Measurement with Panellists Using Dynamic Plume Method and Dispersion Modelling. Open Journal of Air Pollution.
- Appiah-Effah, E., Nyarko, K. B., Ofosu, E. A. and Awuah, E., (2016). Effect of bulking materials and mixing ratios on concentration of nutrients during composting of raw faecal sludge from peri-urban areas. Water Practice & Technology, Vol 11, No. 1, 2016
- Appiah-Effah, E., Nyarko, K. B., Adum, L., Ofosu, E. A. and Awuah, E., (2015). Perception of Peri-Urban Farmers on Fecal Sludge Compost and Its Utilization: A Case Study of Three Peri-Urban Communities in Ashanti Region of Ghana. Compost Science & Utilization, 23:4, 267-275. 2015
- Mul, M.L., Sidibé, Y., Annor, F., Ofosu, E. A., Boateng-Gyimah, Ampomah, B., Addo, C., (2015). Balancing hydro generation with sustainable ecosystem management. In Water storage and hydropower development for Africa – Supplement to the International Journal of Hydropower and dams, page 46-50, 2015.
- Appiah-Effah, E., Nyarko, K. B., Ofosu, E. A. and Awuah, E., (2015). Heavy metals and microbial loads in raw fecal sludge from low income areas of Ashanti Region of Ghana. Water Practice & Technology Vol 10 No 1, 2015.
- T. Kabo-bah, G. K. Anornu, E. A. Ofosu, Robert Andoh, Kamila Justyna (2014). Spatial- temporal phenomena of Evapotranspiration over Black Volta of West Africa. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Vol 6 (4), 2014.
- Ofosu, E. A., van der Zaag P., van de Giesen N., Odai S. N., Sakah, M., (2014). Success Factors for Sustainable Irrigation Development in sub-Saharan Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol 9 (51) p 3720-3728, 2014.
- Ofosu, E. A., van der Zaag P., van de Giesen N., Odai S. N., Amanor, R. (2014). Upscaling of Irrigation development in the White Volta sub-basin. Journal of Energy and Natural Resource Management, Vol 1, Issue 1.
- Gyasi S. F., Awuah Esi, Ofosu E. A., Kotei D. & Mohamed A. K., (2013). Environmental Sanitation Attitudes in Buruli Ulcer endemic communities and its potential impact on MU infections in the Asanti Akim North District, Ghana. Research Journal of Environmental Science, ISSN 1819-3412.
- Ofosu, E.A., van der Zaag P., van de Giesen N., Odai S. N., (2010). Productivity of irrigation technologies in the White Volta basin. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Volume 35, Issues 13-14, Pages 706-716
Publications In Book Chapters
- Yaa Ntiamoah Baidoo, Ben Yaw Ampomah, and Eric Antwi Ofosu (2017). Dams, Developmgment and Downstream Communities: Implications for Re-optimising the operations of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams in Ghana. ISBN: 978-9988-2-5046-1
- Ofosu Eric Antwi (2011), Sustainable Irrigation Development in the White Volta sub-basin (201 ). Published by CRC Press. The Netherlands. ISBN 9780415621038 – CAT# K14719
- Asamoah M., Kabo-Bah A.T., Antwi-Ofosu E. (2020) Spatial and SocioEconomic Impacts Analysis of BUI Hydropower Dam on Downstream Communities. In: Adjallah K., Birregah B., Abanda H. (eds) Data-Driven Modeling for Sustainable Engineering. ICEASSM 2017. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 72. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-13697-0_23
- Eric A. Ofosu, Mark Amo-Boateng, Martin K. Domfeh, Robert Andoh (2018). Re-engineering Hydropower Plant for Improved Performance. In (Ed) Amos Kabo-bah and Chukuemekah J. Diji, Sustainable Hydropower in West Africa: Planning Operation and Challenges. 189-195. Academic Press. An imprint of Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-813016-2.00012-5
- Eric A. Ofosu, Marloes Mul, Maxwell Boateng-Gyimah, Frank Annor, and Ben Y. Ampomah (2017). Overview of the Re-operation and Re-optimisation of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams Project. In (Ed) Yaa Ntiamoah Baidoo, Ben Yaw Ampomah, and Eric Antwi Ofosu. Dams, Development and Downstream Communities: Implications for Re-optimising the operations of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams in Ghana
- Marloes L. Mul, Eric A. Ofosu, Yaw Mante, Benjamin Ghansah, Frank O. Annor, and Maxwell Boateng-Gyimah (2017). Defining Restoration Flow Targets to Restore Ecological Functions and Livelihoods in the Lower Volta Basin. In (Ed) Yaa Ntiamoah Baidoo, Ben Yaw Ampomah, and Eric Antwi Ofosu. Dams, Development and Downstream Communities: Implications for Re-optimising the operations of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams in Ghana
- Marloes L. Mul, Bedru Balana, Frank O. Annor, Maxwell Boateng-Gyimah, Eric A. Ofosu, and Jeffrey Dokyi (2017). Framework for Re-operating the Large Hydropower Dams to Improve Local Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction. In (Ed) Yaa Ntiamoah Baidoo, Ben Yaw Ampomah, and Eric Antwi Ofosu. Dams, Development and Downstream Communities: Implications for Re-optimising the operations of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams in Ghana.
Research Impact