Six ACE Impact host Universities were competitively selected and are being supported to establish Centers of Competence in Digital Education on their campuses to promote the sustainable integration of digital education in the teaching processes, as a means of strengthening the quality of teaching as well as the competencies of graduates.
The MoNal project aims to create sustainable mobility opportunities for sub-Saharan Africa countries. The impact of the mobility offer is considered, improved and verified through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) through the entire life cycle – from vehicle production and design to energy supply to vehicle recycling and energy supply infrastructure.
The Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) which has the potential to transform agricultural productivity, create jobs, improve livelihoods and provide resilience against the potential impacts of climate change. Under this initiative GiZ and the Ministry of Energy (MoEn) are jointly implementing a project dubbed “Green People’s Energy”
The institution of three new Sustainable Energy Services Centres (SESCs) by the Millennium Development Authority (MiDA), and the establishment of SESCs, which will be the first of such Centres in Ghana, forms part of Activites under the Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (EEDSM) Project, one of four Projects in the Ghana Power Compact Program, funded by United States Government
Sub-award from Carlton University. Canada on Gendered Design in STEAM (SDG) in Lower and Middle-income Countries (LMIC). The program exists to build capacity for research, design and dissemination of gendered innovations in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM), addressing challenges predominantly faced by women in LMICs.
The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the People’s Republic of China launched a climate change South-South Cooperation (SCC) initiative to help developing countries address the adverse effect of climate change through the provision of energy efficiency and renewable energy goods and equipment.
The SUSTAINDAM project aims to contribute to sustainably manage and plan the hydropower generation in West Africa under climate uncertainties and LULC dynamics. This project aims to build communities of practices with HPG stakeholders (dam managers, local policy makers, representative of civil society, association of women, etc) to address the challenges, synergies and trade-off in the climate land energy water nexus in WA
In the project “Professional Education for Renewable Energy in Ghana – ProREG”, the Technische Universität Berlin is working with the universities Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and the University for Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) as well as six corporate partners to address the lack of labour market relevance of education in the field of renewable energy in Ghana. Often, graduates can only be productively employed by companies with great effort and long training periods. This is a major obstacle to the increased expansion of renewable energies in the country. Three project goals were jointly defined for its elimination.