Brief Profile
Currently, Full Professor position at the Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs (ENI) of Metz, Director of the International Relations of Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz; and Head of the “Design-Industrialization-Innovation” Master degree program. He was Associate Professor at the Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT), France, from 1994 to 2008. In 2003, he graded Research Director by the Université de Technologie de Compiègne, which raised him to the rank of senior researcher. From 2005 to 2006, he has been visiting Professor at the University of Cincinnati, Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Nuclear Engineering, NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on Intelligent Maintenance Systems. He serves in the French National Association of Maintenance Engineers, member of the French Academic Working Group on “Modeling and Optimisation of the Distributed & Collaborative Maintenance” affiliated to CNRS, and also in the European Safety and Reliability Data Association (ESReDA). He is also member of the IEEE society since 2002 and leader of the international cooperative research network for the management of durable infrastructures of development (MID). His research interests include methods for components reliability, health monitoring, data collection and analysis for predictive maintenance decision support, and maintenance of networked distributed manufacturing systems. After years of research with the research group of Industrial Systems Optimization at the UTT and the French CNRS affiliate Institute Charles Delaunay, he led the Maintenance and Reliability research team of the Laboratory of Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Production of University of Metz from 2008 to 2012. He joined the LCOMS (Laboratory of Conception, Optimization and Modeling of Systems) since 2013 of University of Lorraine (merging of the University of Metz and the University of Nancy), where he is currently leading the RARe (Risks, Anticipation and Resilience) research team.
Currently Researching
Research include systems’ reliability modeling, health condition monitoring and diagnosis, data collection and analysis for predictive maintenance decision support of the durable infrastructures. Ongoing projects concern:
- Data collection process modeling and optimisation in networked distributed system,
- Resilience modeling of e-maintenance and e-monitoring critical infrastructures,
- Reliability modeling based on heteregenous and scarse data integration.
- Distributed and durable infrastructures and facilities
- Distributed renewable energy production systems,
- Microgrid of renewable energy units
- Networked mechatronic devices
Scientific, Educational and Administrative Responsibilities
- Full Professor position at ENIM (Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs of Metz), since 2008
- Coordinator of the Sino-French project of National Engineering School of Nanjing (ENIN), in China, and member of Managing Committee
- Director of International Relations of ENIM, since Nov. 2011
- Member of the Member of the Scientific and Technological Board of ENIM
- Member of the Managing Committee of ENIM
- Member of the Academic Board of ENIM
- Member of the Trustees Board of ENIM
- Member of the Laboratory of Conception, Optimization, and Modelling of Systems
- Leader of the research group on “Risk – Anticipation – Resilience” of LCOMS laboratory
- Leader of the “Reliability-Maintenance” research team of LGIPM laboratory, 2008-2012
- Chairman of the MACOD (COoperative and Distributed MAintenance) WG of MACS GDR
- Member of the research team COSteam of INRIA Grand Est, 2008-2011
- Coordinator of PLM research activities for the national ENI Group, since 2009
- Head of the Master degree program on “Design-Industrialization-Innovation” for ENIM, since 2009
- Rebai M., Kacem I., Adjallah K.H., Scheduling Jobs and Maintenance Activities on Parallel Machines. Operational Research An International Journal, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s12351-012-0130-1, 2012.
- Rebai M., Kacem I., Adjallah K.H., Earliness-tardiness minimization on a single machine to schedule preventive maintenance tasks. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23, 2012, 1207–1224, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s10845-010-0425-0.
- Tran Duc Q., Le Thi H.A., Adjallah K.H. DCA for Minimizing the Cost and Tardiness of Preventive Maintenance Tasks under Real-Time Allocation Constraint. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5991, 2010, p. 410-419, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12101-2_42.
- Birregah B., Doh P.K., Adjallah K.H. A Systematic approach to matrix forms of the Pascal triangle – Part I: the twelve triangular matrix forms and relations. Elsevier’s European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 31, 2010, 1205-1216.
- Kolokolov Y.V., Monovskaya A.V., Adjallah K.H., PWM Energy Converters: Fractal Method of Dynamics Forecasting in Practical Application. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 24, No 2, June 2009, p. 483-492.