The Regional Center for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (RCEES) of the University of Energy and Natural Resources organized a week-long training on the installation of Standalone Solar PV systems. The Centre as part of its mission to provide solutions to energy and environmental issues and to also build capacity within the West African sub-region for renewable energy project development and implementation, run this short course and seeks to equip participants with an in-depth knowledge of the theories of Solar PV systems and their installation through practical sessions. Hence, the participants were taken through taught sessions and hands-on training where seasoned professionals and trainers engaged them on the practicality of sizing and installation of the solar PV systems.
The short course which took place from the 13th to 17th May 2019, also responds in part to the African Union’s Agenda 2063, specifically to goals two, seven and eighteen that calls for a paradigm shift towards transformative training systems to meet the knowledge, skills and innovation needed to facilitate development; environmental sustainability through Renewable Energy and Engaging and Empowering the youth through Capacity building respectively.
At the end of the training, the Project Coordinator for the center, Mr. Samuel Okyere on behalf of the leadership of the center congratulated the participants for the positive choice of enrolling the short course. He reiterated the importance of such interventions as either a substitute or complement to the Grid for electricity in Ghana. He also encouraged the participants to take the knowledge gained from the training straight into practice, capitalizing on the increase in appetite of the region for solar power to generate income.
This is the latest in a series of workshops that have been organized since 2014. Other short courses will be organized throughout the year. Interested people can get in touch with the RCEES on next course dates by mail or by phone